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2021 Tarotscope, A Yearly Tarot Card Horoscope

2021 Tarotscope, A Yearly Tarot Card Horoscope | Starcana Tarot Astrology Horoscope

2021 Tarotscope, Yearly Card Horoscope. Happy New Year friends! Welcome to 2021 and your yearly tarotscope; which is ONE personal tarot card for 2021 guidance. While a general tarot message per each individual sun sign is shared… you can get something more personalized when you invest in a private intuitive session.

It can be helpful to know that 2021 is a Five vibration when combining: 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5. The five vibration connects us to the Hierophant tarot card, which you can refer back to when your direction seems to become confusing. Basic keywords for the year of the Hierophant include: Quiet the mind. Silence. Compassion. Tradition. Returning to personal belief system. Great teacher. A return to heritage. Public speaking. Creating believers. What has worked in the past wins over chaotic change. Maturity. Stuck in the mud. Seeking advice from clergy or those in our circle. Fighting ends. War is over. Admirers yearn for knowledge and truth. Kindness. Wise one shares wisdom. Understanding purpose. Historical Importance. Old ways return. Conformity. Coming home. Own it. Knowledge speaks. Makes sense. Acceptance. Forgiveness. Conversing with our conscience. Holding status. Knowing thy self. Understanding rules. Buying time. Guru. The wise one. Self-sacrificing. Belonging again. Appreciation and respect. Mercy. Grace.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Tarot card insight: Three of Pentacles: Creativity. Planning. Craftsmanship. Financial opportunity. Professional growth. Profitable hobby. Maintaining goals. Artistic ability. Natural success from talent. Recognition due. Gifted effort. Things come together. Skills. Answering our calling. Niche. Abilities rewarded. Business opportunities. Communicating something powerful. Words make sense. Proving that you mean business. Achievement. Writing flows beautifully. Spiritual growth. Rank improves. Step up to seniority. Climbing the ladder. Power increases. Wise strategy. Crafting the home business. Dependent on self-approval. Designing the perfect setting. Material gain. Getting together with like-minded people. Grounded. Having the know-how to structure a masterpiece. Aware of time.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Tarot card insight: Nine of Pentacles:  Accomplishment. Independence. Finances improve. Life blooms. Entrepreneur. Material comfort. A flourishing business. An inner sense of security. Solitary achievements. Positive earnings. Feeling very sure of yourself.  Security. Gifts. Nature lover. Femininity. Refinement. Gratitude. Safety. Material comfort. Winnings. Wishes come true. Aware you are successful. Effort pays off. Enjoying the pleasures of life. Financial security. Capable of taking care of yourself. Surrounded by beauty. Sensitive and comfortable with solitude. Calmness. Being resourceful. A dream with hard work pays off. You realize the world that you have created. Indulging into your success. Spiritual sound. A strong ability to control our feelings. Standing for integrity. Being responsible for your own actions. Self-reliance. Stay down to earth. Trusting our skills. Self-discipline. Being on top of the world, can be lonely at the top - but we don't seem to mind much. Act on your own. 

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Tarot card insight: Magician: Self-reliance. Individuality. Ability to talk the talk. Strength in communications. Everyone is listening and paying attention. Originality rules. Take the initiative. Creativity. Capability to achieve goals. Imagination. Talents are useful. Grasping the potential. Quick thinking. Opportunities for natural skills to come alive. Knowledge is the key. A bridge is created for balance. Trusting a divine guide. Leave nothing unturned. Handful of elements. Thoughts  manifest. Words have power. Be magnificent. As above, so below. Competent. Outer and inner world harmonize. Charming and friendly demeanor. Entertaining the audience. Believe. Make it happen.

CANCER (June 20-July 23) Tarot card insight: Empress: Blessed. Loved. Protection. A nurturing heart. Someone to watch over. Female connections play a role. Perfect love. Ready to come out of the oven. Coddled in female energy. Fertility. Multiplication. Belly feels good. Girlfriend. Creative force rises. Warm and inviting. Hearts attract, what's in yours? Everything is beautiful. Help arrives. Domestication. Field of dreams. Auntie love. Marriage. Earth bound. Partnership. Flourishing. More love. Female progress. Grandmother. Growth. Mother. Comforted by home and family. Enjoying the fruits of labor. Beauty. All-American goodness. In-bloom. Love thyself. Connect with nature.

LEO (July 23-August 22) Tarot card insight: Hanged Man: Temporarily in suspension. All is on hold. Transition. Nothing moves forward or backwards. Life stops temporarily. Boredom. Spiritual awakenings. Too much time on your hands. Not ready to quite let go. Life is turned upside down. Passive behavior. Readjustment. Preparation of sacrifice. Cleansing. It's totally out of your hands. See from a different perspective. Waiting. Regenerating. Visions. Insight. Healing. At peace with the stillness. Trust in higher sources. Rebirth. Everything happens for a reason. 

VIRGO (August 22-September 23) Tarot card insight: Five of Wands: Hard work. Going in circles. Unsatisfied. Inner struggles. Labor. Aggression. Defenses are up. Polish that shine. Competition. Trying to find a way in, or possibly a way out. Fighting. Resisting change. Conflict. Lack of agreement. Life comes to a halt. Can't always get what you want. Unaware of goal. Self-limiting. Be creative. Busta move. Find a way. New adventure. What are you fighting for. Utilize energy correctly. Temper. Working up a sweat. Obstacles are no problem. Paving a new road. Ego on fire. Changing direction.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22)  Tarot card insight: Knight of Cups: Creative challenge. Sensitivities are invited. Desires rise. New destination. Romance. Attraction. Kindness. An act of caring. Advancing forward. A new arrival. Love. Requests are made. Opportunity opens. Emotions begin to open. Meeting of the hearts. Propositions. Weakened by curiosity. Appeal.  

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Tarot card insight: Eight of Pentacles: Apprenticeship. Learning to grow. Appreciating what has great value. Modest gain. Priceless wisdom. Focused on the goal. Investing in a rewarding future. Saving for a rainy day. Overcoming obstacles. Rewards. Climbing the ladder. Patience turns profitable. Income improves. Commitment. Surprising growth. Making friends with time. Standing at the top of the mountain. Developing self-respect. Skills of a survivor. Financial changes. You blossom. Creating perfection. Nothing stop you. 

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Tarot card insight: Six of Cups: Embracing finer memories. Nostalgia. Happier times. Reliance on the past. Understanding how to enjoy the present. Reflections. Letting time pass. Enjoyment. Daydreams. Allowing yourself to be happy. Smiles. Laughter. Fun times. Longing for the way it use to be. Gentleness returns. Remembering what matters. Love conquers all. Overflowing with joy. Good friends. Moving past issues. Yesteryears speak loudly. Trusting insight. Imagine to believe. Creativity. Understanding what fades. The heart longs for togetherness. Healing music. Photographic memory. Childhood comes to surface. Emotions flow. Aware of what matters.  

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)  Tarot card insight: King of Wands: Displaying great strength. Energy circulates. Strong Passions burn. Devoted individual. Graduation. Ready for the real world. Life takes a courageous direction. A teacher arrives. Noble gestures. Sharing what we've learned. Standing out in a crowd. Daring acts. In control. Honest intentions. Helping another. Generosity. Expansion. Trusting what works. Conquering a project. Self-realization. The power of leadership. Travel. A trusted friend. Desire to go the distance. Controlled enthusiasm. Finding reason to believe. Management of self. Taking your own advice. A patient listener. Burning bright. Confident and capable.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Tarot card insight: Queen of Wands: Receiving a new understanding. Genuine gestures offered. Sympathy provided. Taking a sincere interest in another. Warm, inviting friendship. Female energy. Practicality. Loving Kindness. Creativity. A purpose arrives. Intuitive. Friendliness shines. Finding meaning in an experience. The heart speaks. Strong will. Honor. Beating to your own drum.

PISCES (February 19-March 20) Tarot card insight: Wheel of Fortune: As above, so below. Freedom. Cosmic flow. Good luck. Movement. Door opens as we close one. Change. The Sun rises. The end. Transformation. Taking the foot off the break. Solutions. Destiny. Opportunity arrives. Problem disappears. Connected with the season. Unexpected occurrences. Aware. Turn the page. In the present. End of a cycle. For better or worse, issues evolve. Closure. It was bound to happen. What goes up, must come down. Luck changes.

For additional insight, Suzi Dronzek is available for intuitive readings, personalized advice and soulful guidance. Business hours: Monday - Friday, 10a-6pm EST. Call 724-832-9283 or visit my website 18+ Entertainment Only. | Subscribe | Donate