Cosmic Dirt Astrology, April 21 2012, Healing the Soul, Taurus New Moon
Right after midnight, Luna removes herself from the fiery embers of Aries, to rest quietly and heal herself in loving Taurus. Shortly after, Moon conjuncts Sun to form a powerful New Moon. This new lunar cycle represents a start of a new emotional chapter, therefore a new approach to the way we experience life, work, relationships, etc. Where all is unseen and pure in the dark moon - a great energy is ready to emerge as our ego and the heart harmonize. What we want to create is slowly molded, and conceived from our desires and imagination. If we think it, it shall be. So our thoughts should be sought out carefully, so that they may work right along with the cosmos, and our own genuine input. As the New Moon rises in the warm element of earthy Taurus, our focus should concentrate on the appreciation for what we actually have and own in our life, with intentions to take what we've built, to enhance it. Ideas and affirmations are best if they stimulate the vibrations that exist with Taurus, such as: our personal values, home, property, family, love, money, finances, kindness, work, career, business, relaxation, fruits of our hard effort, pleasure, and our inner power. Supreme earth energy grounds to manifest. Design new goals to produce, beautify, and heal.As we visualize and attract, it is helpful to write out our words in the form of an affirmation to best fit our needs. As an example, to increase romance, we could speak from the heart to announce to the Universe, "I am a love magnet". To attract money, claim "I am a money magnet". May the New Moon bless and watch over you. "Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read". Francis Bacon, Sr. Tarot guidance from Six of Pentacles rx, Temperance: We're all flawed, Love anyway.Suzi Dronzek provides personalized readings by phone and email, Monday-Friday 10am-7pm EST @ 1.67 per minute, MC, Visa, Disc, American Express, and Debit Bank Cards accepted. Call: 724-832-9283 or visit: | Subscribe by RSS Feed or by Email | Facebook | Twitter ©1995-2012, All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+