Cosmic Dirt Horoscope, January 20, 2012, Sharing A Piece of Our Sunshine, Sun enters Aquarius
We are able to take what is important to us, and transform it into something that enables our inner power as Venus sextiles Pluto. Luna also lends a hand as she shifts into ambitious Capricorn, encouraging us to gravitate, so that we can achieve our dreams.As Sun squared Saturn in Libra (professional, personal, and romantic partnerships), something shifted that caused a new light to catch our attention. If we actually got out of our own way and stepped into the present, we have been presented with the bigger picture ~ that allows us to see how we interact with others. This is what Saturn calls good dose of reality, as we become aware of the cracks in what we have been blindly building, while realizing that there is much work to be done. This new light is our rising dawn, giving us a new day and a second chance to 'see' where we are headed, but with eyes wide open this time. And today is our new day, as Sun enters into the humanitarian hands of Aquarius for the next thirty days. This is a blessing from the cosmos, triggering our truth and inner compass for a better direction.Nothing is hidden as the Aquarian Sun beams a great ray of light onto our spirit. All becomes illuminated. Our new 'cracks' allow others to look into our world, our relationships, and into who we REALLY are. The shocking surprise of our truth can reveal much at this time. We can either accept our authentic 'cracks' and use them to find favorable solutions… or we may try to deny our 'cracks' because we are afraid of being different.The Aquarian Sun allows us to take on a different sort of leadership if we can embrace our true self, in order to help another. We must have faith in the light that broke through the cracks of our foundation, for it has given us a clue as to who we have become and what we are capable of, to create a change in direction. If we truly want peace and happiness, then we must embrace the winds of change. 'Stupid is as stupid does.' Forest Gump. Tarot guidance from Ace of Cups, Eight of Pentacles, We're committed to lending a hand.Suzi Dronzek, intuitive tarot astrologer; is available for personalized readings Monday-Friday, from 10am-8pm EST, at 1.67 per minute, MC, Visa, Disc accepted. Call: 724-832-9283. Subscribe to the latest cosmic dirt: ©1995-2012 Starcana Inc., All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+