Cosmic Dirt Horoscope: Thursday October 20, 2011
We've got sunshine, on top of sunshine, as Luna strolls proudly into confident Leo this morning. We're confident beneath this cosmic light and understand that we're the ringleader in our own circus.(No, you aren't seeing double, I'm sorry, but I mistakenly crossed scheduled posts. This is what happens ::sigh:: when you're doing too many things at once. Too, since September, and for the rest of the year, foggy Neptune quintiles my natal Sun, beautifying energy for healing and intuition, but can be challenging for practicality. It's like being happy and living without a care in the world, while hardworking Saturn on my ascendant kicks my butt in gear.)Our radiance shines from within, while attracting positivity and power. It's a grand day to display inner strength in the home and the workplace. Leadership in the office and in the romantic department is calling. We're influencing someone while Luna trines Uranus, so look your finest. Add a touch of gold bling. Later this evening, we may be a little too full of ourselves as Moon squares Jupiter. Less is more. Lose the attitude. “Be true to your work, your word, and your friend.” Henry David Thoreau. Tarot insight: Justice, Nine of Wands: Dues have been paid ~ time to get back to the living.Suzi Dronzek, intuitive tarot astrologer, provides professional consultations and spiritual guidance by phone and email, Monday-Friday 10am-7pm EST, 1.50 per minute, MasterCard, Visa, Discover accepted. Call: 724-832-9283 or visit ©1998-2011 All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+