Cosmic Dirt Horoscope: Saturday March 5
Aspects are few today, so enjoy this cloudless day. Yesterday's New Moon in Pisces is still energized, and wants to make sure that we're comfortable as we let go of unnecessary emotional attachments. Our focus should be like that old eighties tune, 'Don't worry, be happy'. Hmm, or like that old seventies tune 'Live and let die'. I could keep going on, but I won't LOL. Tonight, we're surprised as something shifts due to a Moon/Uranus conjunction. Go with the flow. Insight received from Queen of Pentacles and The Hermit rx: 'Protect what is yours, watch your step'. ~Starcana Aside from writing about the stars, Suzi Dronzek privately consults as a cosmic divine using intuitive astrology, spiritual tarot, energy vibrations, etc. Try a 15 minute session for 15.00 (a new caller discount), Mc, Visa Amex, Disc accepted. Professional readings available by phone 724-832-9283 and by email, Monday-Friday 10am-6pm EST. ©1998-2011 All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+