Saturday December 25, 2010 Horoscope
Merry Christmas and Seasons greetings to you and your loved ones on Saturday December 25. Moon shifts from the dramatic stage of Leo to settle into a more serious mode in Virgo. Find the higher resources of Virgo, utilizing your listening ears and silence ~ especially as many may pick up on the lower stages of Virgo, being over-analytical, critical, and picky with the day. Make your day a little less stressful by knowing that someone is probably going to complain about a gift, the dinner, the guests, and so on. The Virgo Moon feels they have a keen eye for picking out flaws, and wants to express that -- to solve a problem. Take nothing personally today. Just enjoy the energy about what the day truly means, which is about sharing love, kindness, and creating peace - not handing out bundles of presents ~ to make up for the rest of the year. If you know someone who may be alone or elderly, extend yourself with a telephone call to let you know you were thinking of them, or take a quick drive to deliver them with a smile along with a warm christmas meal on a covered plate. It is only when we give, when we truly receive. 'Happiness is what happens to us when we try to make someone else happy.' Tarot insight from Ten of Pentacles rx, Ten of Swords: If at first you don't succeed, try a different AND smarter approach. May you and your loved ones experience the true meaning of this day, this season, and this lifetime. Starcana