Free To Be | August 2020 Tarotscope | Starcana Cosmic Dirt
Hello friends! A sacred light is shining upon our path toward self-expression. Have you thought about what you’ve been really feeling lately? And if so, how have you actively demonstrated your individual uniqueness - which has been uncomfortably hidden from others?
With the Aquarian Full Moon on Monday August 3, we’re likely to create inner stability by reaching for liberation as a way to reinvent ourselves and shine. By deliberately freeing ourselves from what has been considered as ‘normal’ - we will rebelliously detach from what has remained as negative, artificial or routine under the concerned Mercury/Saturn opposition.
Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen. Robert Bresson
As we delightfully spread our wings, originality and inner truth, Mercury will move from shy Cancer and into courageous Leo on Tuesday August 4. During the next three weeks with Mercury in Leo, our thoughts, ideas, communications and short journeys will become proud, brave, expressive and creative. On the shadow side, some may be heard as territorial, boasting, competitive and bossy.
With the Mars/Jupiter square energizing this day, we’re extremely aroused with our own strength and bravery, which can conjure luck and good fortune. We can also become highly reactive, jumpy and reckless. Actions speak much louder than words, so be aware of what you’re actually communicating.
Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. Vincent Van Gogh
While we’re confidently expressing ourselves over the weeks ahead, Venus will shift from social butterfly Gemini, into home-loving Cancer on Friday August 7. Rather than wanting to escape and explore life on the outside, we’ll seek contentment and coziness in being close to home over the next four weeks.
With Venus in Cancer, we can find pleasure in our own surroundings, with family and loved ones. We can find comfort in simple, domesticated doings - especially with in the kitchen with food, cooking and baking. Here in the privacy of home, we get to practice our ‘mothering’ skills with self-nourishment, values and money, while also caring for our relationship with others.
We can either be consoled and eased with being so close to our feelings during this fluctuating period, or we can experience moodiness, discomfort and grief. Like the crustaceous crab who lives in such close quarters with it’s soft-bellied sensitivities, we need to understand our own feelings and vulnerabilities - so that we can learn how to use our hard shell as a protective armor from the insensitive species. Starcana weekly tarot insight: Look deeper to understand the resistance. [DeathRx/QueenCups]
Suzi Dronzek is available for intuitive readings, personalized advice & soulful guidance by phone and email. Call for a professional session 724-832-9283 or visit: ©2020 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved, 18+ Entertainment only.
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August 2020 Tarotscope
Starcana Tarotscope is a monthly ‘one tarot card’ horoscope. I share basic guidance with a general tarot message - per each individual zodiac sun sign. For more insight, try my ‘three card’ tarot spread below. If you prefer something more personalized and detailed, I’m available for ‘one-on-one’ consultations.
- Read your Ascendant/Rising sign, for what you currently know.
- Read your Moon sign, for what will challenge you.
- Read your Sun sign, for what will be created.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) Tarot card insight: Four of Wands: Arriving at the right place. Celebration. Good structure. Fruits of labor. The good life. Romance. Rest. Rewards. Loyalty. Home is where the heart is. Success. Defending and protecting. Happy workplace. Good intentions. Harmony. Promotion. A fire still burns. Powerful love. Happy home. Liking who you are becoming. Contained within your own positive world. Passion is contained. Settling an old score. Pride and honor. A wedding. Secluded yet happy. Strong barriers. Display of commitment. New home. Invitation. Walls of love. New resting stop. Good neighbor. Blessings. Great heart. Self-reliance. Trying was worth the extra step.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Tarot card insight: Eight of Cups: Making an important sacrifice. Woe no more. Abandoning a current path. Taking a new turn. Understanding. Emotional disappointments left behind. Finding a place to belong. Regrets. Heart and head harmonize. Needing distance. Not caring anymore. What's love got to do with it? Connecting with a new passion. Choosing strength, not weakness. Turning away from it all. Letting go of the illusions. Self-love. Putting memories in a safe place. Movement.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Tarot card insight: Nine of Pentacles: Accomplishment. Independence. Finances improve. Life blooms. Entrepreneur. Material comfort. A flourishing business. An inner sense of security. Solitary achievements. Positive earnings. Feeling very sure of yourself. Security. Gifts. Nature lover. Femininity. Refinement. Gratitude. Safety. Material comfort. Winnings. Wishes come true. Aware you are successful. Effort pays off. Enjoying the pleasures of life. Financial security. Capable of taking care of yourself. Surrounded by beauty. Sensitive and comfortable with solitude. Calmness. Being resourceful. A dream with hard work pays off. You realize the world that you have created. Indulging into your success. Spiritual sound. A strong ability to control our feelings. Standing for integrity. Being responsible for your own actions. Self-reliance. Stay down to earth. Trusting our skills. Self-discipline. Being on top of the world, can be lonely at the top - but we don't seem to mind much. Act on your own.
CANCER (June 20-July 23) Tarot card insight: Death: Letting go. Shedding old skin for new growth. Abrupt changes. Renewal. Darkness. Bidding a farewell, possible good riddance. Finished. Set free. Transformation. Stillness. Removing the debris. New life. The end. There is more than what meets the eyes. Omen. True colors emerge. Clearing away what has worn out its welcome. Major transition. Aware of what needs to be released. Making way for the new. A door opens as a door closes. Endings. And from the cocoon, the caterpillar's new butterfly wings are revealed. A turn of events. No mud, no lotus.
LEO (July 23-August 22) Tarot card insight: King of Cups: Listen. Intuition speaks. Creative expression. Acceptance. Self-control. Step back. Allow unseen forces to happen. Trust your heart. A new calm approaches. Forgive. Release the need to control the situation. See what happens. Listen well. Compassion. Love. Be gentle, to attract. Kindness invites. New creative project. Stabilizing wall of emotions. Dream. Allow possibilities. An open heart. Consideration. Tolerance. Power of love. Use the whole box of crayons.
VIRGO (August 22-September 23) Tarot card insight: Ten of Cups: Joy. Looking for a reason to celebrate. Faith is restored. Triumph. Love. Tears of triumph. True friendship. Contentment. Loved ones rock. Tender moments enjoyed. Money can't buy love. Home is where the heart is. Spirituality. True wisdom. Balanced energy. Reflections of kindness. Dancing beneath the waterfall. Dreams are fulfilled. Positive feelings. Adding color to life. Peace and comfort. Love thy neighbor. Good surroundings. Family circle sealed. End to a long cycle. Showered in affection. Emotional bliss. A wish is granted. Happiness. A rainbow after the storm. Togetherness. Enjoying the simple things. Sweet endearments. Radiant light flows.
LIBRA (September 23-October 22) Tarot card insight: High Priestess: Hidden wisdom. Embrace your Inner Goddess. Silence is an ally. Mysterious power of insight speaks. Action should not be taken at this point. Be still and listen. Information revealed, but may be clouded. Urged to be patient as details present themselves. See beyond the obvious. An older woman with a mysterious agenda. Be a guardian of your unconscious. Respect what you sense. Use practicality and good judgment. Benefit from introverted energy. Trust intuition. Subconscious influences becomes a guide. There is more much happening beneath the surface. Possible psychic breakthrough. Secrets. Not all can be seen. The time is not right to act. Pay attention to memories or details that may have been overlooked. Mystical potential. The unknown speaks. See beyond the veil. Illusions exist.
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Tarot card insight: Chariot: Drive. Passion rises. Perseverance. Victory ahead. Movement. Change. I seek, therefore I find. Headed for your destination. Control of the reins. Willpower creates a shift. Journey. Listening as the heart speaks. No stopping. Energy protected. Holding onto dreams. Stability. Intuition leads. Vengeance. Acting on decisions. Escaping the past. Getting a good kick in the pants. Instincts react. Payback time. Winning the race. Assertion. Agreement. Proving you can.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Tarot card insight: Knight of Wands: Embracing an alternative route. Understanding the journey, rather than the arrival. Change of residence. Challenge accepted. Creation. Fresh beginning. Envisioning the unknown. Action rather than thought. Excitement. A new person arrives. Advancing forward. An ally brings new view. Journey. Friend adventures. Flights. Movement. Relocation. Absence. Adding on to a story. Ready for the hunt. Energy shifts.
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) Tarot card insight: Seven of Cups: Illusions. Fantasy. Seeing a mirage. Dream about a world that is hoped for. Head in the clouds. Over-active imagination. Spiritual realms. Living in a bubble. Lost. Direction and goals are unclear. Going with the flow. Ignoring reality. Careless. Seeing something that doesn't exist. Making wishes. Creating intention. Mystical experience. Psychic abilities. More wishful thinking. Relying solely on intuition. Something doesn't make sense, but who cares. Romantic expectations. If it's seems too good to be true, make it a double. Escapism. Filling emptiness with dreams and desires. In love. Wishing on a star. Counting on your lucky charms.
AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Tarot card insight: Six of Pentacles: Material gain. Gratification. Financial gift. Helping others. Fair share. Just. Karma received. Joy of giving and receiving. Sharing. Reap what has been sown. Monetary blessing. Generosity. Goodness. Healing within. Strengthening bonds. Reality. Donate. Giving of self. Handshake. Favor returned. Appreciation exchanged. Professional. Lesson of integrity. Morals. Fair fortune. Promise delivered. Gratitude. Respect time. Kindness. Establishing character. Stability. Scratching each other's back. Material gain. Pay it forward. Results of effort.
PISCES (February 19-March 20) Tarot card insight: Seven of Pentacles: Interesting news arrives. Settling. Results of efforts due. Manifestation begins. Success or failure based on what has been invested. Something comes along to help thyself. Reorganization. Financial lessons. Material progress. Personal development. Growth. Money. Rewards near. Hidden treasure. Profit through adjusting. Holding the tools for success. Wealth. Responsibility required. Stamina. Wisdom received. Harvesting the seeds that have been sown. Waiting to reap. Ingenuity. Successfully dealings. Adding on to what you have already own.
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