Mercury Retrograde, Suffocation by Unfiltered Thoughts
Mercury Retrograde. Mercury, the planet of thoughts and communications will station retrograde on Monday. As this busy little planet 'appears' to pause and reverse during the next three weeks, be aware that what we are trying to communicate will also stall. In result, much confusion can result during this time, creating communication breakdowns with misinterpretations. And before we're allowed to move forward, we're encouraged to quietly think under Mercury REtrograde, so that we may REmember our real intentions, and RE-call what was actually said that brought us to this moment. This is a time when we need to take a few steps back from our situation(s), to REview where mistakes had developed - to RE-organize, RE-design, RE-write and RE-correct any wrongdoings and/or misunderstandings.During Mercury retrograde, we can RE-experience a same old issue, get lost in the past, and bump into those we lost contact with. Thought patterns and words become confused, but this can help us to creatively think outside of the box, to learn something new in our approach as we dare to transmit information.Mercury also retrogrades through Scorpio's sensitive waters, where our thoughts and direction will rely more on our intuition. As we're left in the dark, we'll be more inclined to privately investigate secrets, while quietly digging into what had been left unsaid. And if we really want to know the answer, we must dip inside of ourselves, where the truth exists.The way we see the problem is the problem. Stephen R. CoveyBut if we choose to think in the same mind, where problems actually originated from - then we'll be sure to REpeat the same mistake. And this will continue to the next Mercury retrograde, until a remedy is found to RE-solve the problem. But to intensify and complicate matters more, we have Trickster Mercury Retrograde transiting through manipulative Scorpio. The mind travels back through unhealed wounds, while scratching upon old emotional pain, and crawling into places where most would be afraid to look. Old poisons begin to RE-surface, which eventually find their way into the present - exposing our vulnerabilities. With Mercury in suspicious Scorpio, we'll assume we're being under-rated or targeted, which will trigger us into an 'attack mode'. In this instant transformation, our dark-side rises from toxic memories of what we thought had been buried. To defend ourselves, we rely on the only protection that we have - which is our words - from nasty judgments, hateful accusations, to the truth that is meant to 'take us BOTH down' - all because of a fear to fully express what we are truly feeling. In the next weeks ahead, reach within your own creativity to heal thyself, and to understand what you need to say. Read more about Mercury rx in my previous article HERE.We have to distrust each other. It is our only defense against betrayal. Tennessee WilliamsWith responsible Saturn also transiting Scorpio, we're facing some very real fears and limitations. And the only way we can do that, is by Saturn placing our distress right onto our lap and making us to deal with it - once and for all. More information is shared in my original article 'Lessons from the Soul' with Saturn in Scorpio.And in this unstable period, we continue to approach next month's Uranus/Pluto square. We are being challenged to be true to ourselves in extreme ways, by allowing something inside to die. Uranus is The Awakener, who keeps life changing for the purpose of evolution. Pluto is The Transformer, letting us burn out, so that we may resurrect. And as planets continue to move into Scorpio, we'll be obsessed with gaining loyalty, while demanding blood to prove it. In the sensitivity of these times, we should be mindful of the words that we share with others - because we really have no clue of the pain and suffering that they contain inside. At the same time, we must remember to be kind with ourselves. Let go of trying to control what is outside of you, so that you may freely tend to your own inner growth and happiness. Happy birthday Scorpio, check out your horoscope on this month's Tarotscope.Sun enters Scorpio. On Wednesday, Sun joins Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio's tumultuous black seas. In the next four weeks, we'll be lead to the enchanted gates of the underworld, where desires are pleasured through secrecy, sex, magic, transformation, dominance, crime, power-seeking games, seduction, and revenge. As Sun transits Scorpio, we allow ourselves to be nurtured and empowered by high suspicions, the unseen, and darker forces. In the depths of bottomless emotions - we'll survive in a place where rules do not exist. Our ego will have a chance to do some real soul-searching, so that we may able to forgive, let go of what we are holding onto, and transform into our higher self. Be a force of love.I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul. Pablo NerudaThis week's tarot insight from Justice/Towerrx: Be honest - you settled.
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