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September 2020 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope

StarcanaTarotscopeisa monthly‘onetarotcard’horoscope.I sharebasicguidancewitha generaltarotmessage - pereachindividualzodiacsunsign.Formoreinsight,trymy‘threecard’tarotspreadbelow.Ifyouprefersomethingmorepersonalizedanddetailed,I’mavailablefor‘one-on-one’consultations.

  • ReadyourAscendant/Risingsign,forwhatyoucurrentlyknow.

  • ReadyourMoonsign,forwhatwillchallengeyou.

  • ReadyourSunsign,forwhatwillbecreated.

ARIES(March21-April19)Tarotcardinsight: Three of Pentacles rx: Not at our potential level. Utilizing our talents should be the focus. Weakness is getting the best of us. Getting lazy on efforts. Sloppiness in getting work done. Wasting time. Looking in the wrong direction. Spending more than what's coming in. Avoiding the work. Relaxation. Over-indulging in pleasures. Not appreciating what is already owned. Looking for love in all the wrong places. Scatterdness. Quantity rules over quality. Being average. Boredom. Blah.

TAURUS(April20-May20)Tarotcardinsight: Four of Cups: Search for understanding. Turning away from others. Solitude. Overwhelming boredom. Self-searching. Self-study. Unconsciously asking for guidance from a higher source. Nowhere else to go. Therapeutic counsel. Opportunities in the horizon. Center. Nurturing the soul. Dissatisfied with lack of happiness. Questioning our motives. Requiring privacy. Taking it personally. Mending feelings. Given too much away. Feeling it slip from your fingers. Replenishing our own resources. Self-healing. Absorption of self. Introverted. Unavailable. A talk with God. Lost. The lights are on, but no one's home.

GEMINI(May21-June20)Tarotcardinsight:SevenofSwords:Karma. Choosing your direction. Wrestling with a balancing act. Romancing cruel intentions. Actions that contain doubt. An alternative plan is in the works. Changeisunavoidable. Being a bit sneaky about your approach. Analyzation. Who's cheating who? A desperate option. Getting ahead the best way we know how. Hurtful results because of lack of planning. Assuming strength and power at any cost. Stress. Success may cost more than you bargained for. Plans sway. Morals are weighed. Confusion. Should I, or shouldn't I? Youractions will determine who you are. But is it kind?

CANCER(June20-July23)Tarotcardinsight:Knight of Pentacles: Making responsible decisions based on learned lessons. Dependability. Scholar. Teacher. Willing to adapt to a situation without losing self. Stable friend helps with direction. Pursue the dream. The right way counts. Honorable decisions. Building character. Loner wolf. Favorable decisions. Morals matter. Extension. Taking control. Learn and growing. Progress. Applying work. Struggle disappears. Meditation. Conscientious. Change with patience and caution. Continuance to study. Good news. Positive shift in finances or education.

LEO(July23-August22)Tarotcardinsight:Queen of Wands: Receiving a new understanding. Genuine gestures offered. Sympathy provided. Taking a sincere interest in another. Warm, inviting friendship. Female energy. Practicality. Loving Kindness. Creativity. A purpose arrives. Intuitive. Friendliness shines. Finding meaning in an experience. The heart speaks. Strong will. Honor. Beating to your own drum.

VIRGO(August22-September23)Tarotcardinsight: High Priestess: Hidden wisdom. Embrace your Inner Goddess. Silence is an ally. Mysterious power of insight speaks. Action should not be taken at this point. Be still and listen. Information revealed, but may be clouded. Urged to be patient as details present themselves. See beyond the obvious. An older woman with a mysterious agenda. Be a guardian of your unconscious. Respect what you sense. Use practicality and good judgment. Benefit from introverted energy. Trust intuition. Subconscious influences becomes a guide. There is more much happening beneath the surface. Possible psychic breakthrough. Secrets. Not all can be seen. The time is not right to act. Pay attention to memories or details that may have been overlooked. Mystical potential. The unknown speaks. See beyond the veil. Illusions exist.

LIBRA(September23-October22) Tarotcardinsight: Six of Wands:Achieving goals. Success comes your way. Triumph over difficulties. Hard work pays off. Blessings rain upon you. Glory and gain are yours. It's a beautiful day. The sun shines on you. Confidence is repaired. Health heals. A reason to smile. Utilizing energy wisely. Laughing at troubles. Nothing stops you. Sharing the fruits of work well done. Transforming negative, into positive. Image improves. Admiration and self-respect. What you touch, seems to turns to gold.

SCORPIO(October23-November21)Tarot card insight: Ten of Swords: A cycle ends. Overwhelming thoughts. Aware of disappointment. Troubles weigh heavy. Sorrow. Grief. Embracing darkness. Light is just up ahead. Closure. Realization. Freedom in truth. Ruin. Passing success. Exhaustion. Minimal improvement. Harsh words. Pain. Almost. One perspective. Ending. Finished with that. Answer is not what was expected. The end. The worst is over. The last piece of the puzzle. Lack of research. Too much imagination. Facts of life. Grand finale. Breaking free.

SAGITTARIUS(November22-December21)Tarotcardinsight: Eight of Pentacles: Apprenticeship. Learning to grow. Appreciating what has great value. Modest gain. Priceless wisdom. Focused on the goal. Investing in a rewarding future. Saving for a rainy day. Overcoming obstacles. Rewards. Climbing the ladder. Patience turns profitable. Income improves. Commitment. Surprising growth. Making friends with time. Standing at the top of the mountain. Developing self-respect. Skills of a survivor. Financial changes. You blossom. Creating perfection. Nothing stops you.

CAPRICORN(December22-January19)Tarotcardinsight: Two of Wands: Putting it all together. Action on thoughts. A mature individual. Going after desires. Out to win. Eye on the reward. Creativity comes alive. Making it come alive. Courageous actions. Performing magic. Making dreams come true. Taking the dare. Confident in potential. Creating potential. Boldness. Aggressive steps. Reaching for stars. Self-sufficient and self-reliant. Making it work. Showing off new mojo. Helping it all come together. A great trust. Taking on new challenge.

AQUARIUS(January20-February18)Tarotcardinsight: Death: Letting go. Shedding old skin for new growth. Abrupt changes. Renewal. Darkness. Bidding a farewell, possible good riddance. Finished. Set free. Transformation. Stillness. Removing the debris. New life. The end. There is more than what meets the eyes. Omen. True colors emerge. Clearing away what has worn out its welcome. Major transition. Aware of what needs to be released. Making way for the new. A door opens as a door closes. Endings. Andfromthecocoon,thecaterpillar'snewbutterflywingsarerevealed. A turn of events. No mud, no lotus.

PISCES(February19-March20)Tarotcardinsight: Six of Swords: Experiencing peaceful negotiations. Moving past difficulties by reaching a new understanding. Grateful for this new sense of calm and understanding. A fresh direction. All is crystal clear. Conscious, aware, and careful approach. A brand new perspective. Thoughts shift. Traveling over gentle waters. Walking gently over eggshells. Information and truth is received that allows flow. Caution using words of expression. Friendliness and good communications. Possible journey. Change in course. Troubles left behind. Positive thoughts.

For personalized insight, Suzi Dronzek is available for intuitive readings, down to earth advice and soulful guidance by phone and email. Business hours: Monday - Friday, 10a-6pm EST. Call 724-832-9283 or visit my website  ©2020 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved, 18+ For Entertainment only.

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