Mercury stationed retrograde last week on August 5, and this trickster will re-step through creative Leo on Wednesday August 14. For the rest of this month, our thoughts, communications and short journeys will have a need to be expressed, with what we’ve been secretly holding inside our heart.

We’re time travelimg in a reversed motion, which temporarily pauses us from moving forward - so that we can review, recorrect, recommunicate and recreate. With the right information, we can do the right thinking and share the right words, in order to get back on the right path.

If you’re not listening, you’re not learning. Lyndon Johnson

Make an effort to listen well with your good ear, while maintaining an open mind - to choose words more carefully - especially as we’re about to revisit an old issue, and unresolved situation, and/or possibly hear from someone we lost contact with.

It’s also important that we stay aware and practice being mindful of ‘what we think’ and ‘what we say’ as Mercury retrograde is famous for miscommunications, which are likely to lead toward misunderstandings - possibly developing into an argument - if we’re not careful with with the intense Full Moon that happens next Monday. Subscribe for Updates

When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new. Dalai Lama

Take quality time to understand how your heart feels, then gently express yourself and your needs. The outcome is going to depend on our ability to be confident, courageous and vulnerable with what hope to share and recreate. Otherwise, we could end up with a meaningless experience if we choose to be self-focused - which would be highly unbalanced when it comes to repairing and reconnecting.

Utilize this week’s aspects with the powerful but indulging Mars/Jupiter conjunction on Wednesday August 14, a fearful but strengthening Mars/Saturn square on Friday August 16, and an impulsive but negligent Mercury/Uranus square on Sunday August 18. Check yourself, before you wreck yourself. Much love, Suzi

Weekly tarot message: Hope is not enough. [NineCups/EightCups]. Check out this month’ s August Tarotscope!

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For a professional consultation, an intuitive reading, grounded advice and soulful guidance with personalized insight, psychic intuition, tarot, astrology & spirituality; contact Suzi Dronzek. Hours: 10a-6p EST, Mon-Fri. 724-832-9283  ©2024 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+  

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September Tarotscope, Tarot Horoscope 2024


August Tarotscope, Tarot Horoscope 2024