Cosmic Forecast | April 18 - 24
A healing rainbow.
Sensitivities are increasing, and this energy will intensify as next week’s Solar Eclipse gains powerful strength on Saturday April 30. Internal struggles are brewing, with the potential to bubble and overflow. There’s a sense of confusion and/or deep unsettledness in the air; bound to invite challenges. Despite uncertainties, we’ll be pointed toward our direction… as change (aka life) is calling for us.
All great changes are preceded by chaos. Deepak Chopra
Creating quality time for reflection can be highly beneficial. Quietly observe the inner shuffle. Experience the emotional waves that crash against your heart and soul. Hear its roar. Listen to the beat. A song is being written as we near the shadow of the Mercury retrograde period.
When we can grasp what our heart is hungry for, we’ll have a better chance of expressing ourselves - kindly. Communicating clearly can help us to avoid the mishaps of misunderstandings; especially with those who are unaware of what we’re internally struggling with.
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. Maria Robinson
By improving our inner awareness of what is truly happening inside ourselves first… this insight can help to guide us over the days ahead between the spontaneous Mercury/Uranus conjunction, a detaching Venus/Uranus sextile and a conflictive Sun/Pluto square on Monday April 18. There’s no doubt that something is growing inside us; it’s starting to shift and it’s looking for a way out. And while change is never easy - resistance is usually a lot tougher to handle.
Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. Desmond Tutu
Fortunately, practicality catches our fall and allows us to land back on our feet as Sun moves from rushed Aries and stabilizes in Taurus on Tuesday April 19. With a fresh sense of time and patience during the next four weeks with Sun in Taurus, we’ll be able to adjust and relax with new appreciation, productivity, harmony and trust. Weekly tarot message: Feeding a need to know. [SixPentacles/Priestess]. For more insight, check out your monthly tarot card in the April 2022 Tarotscope. Peace. ~Suzi
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Suzi Dronzek is available for intuitive readings, advice and guidance by phone & email, Mon. thru Fri.: 10a-6p EST at: 724-832-9283 | ©2022 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+ | Subscribe to Starcana Cosmic Forecast