July Tarotscope, Tarot Horoscope 2024

Starcana Tarotscope is a monthly ‘one tarot card’ horoscope. I share basic guidance with a general tarot message - per each individual zodiac/sun sign. For more insight, try my ‘three card’ tarot spread (below). If you prefer a personalized message that is detailed to your life situation or relationship, I’m available for intuitive guidance and readings.

  • Read your Ascendant/Rising sign, for what you currently know.

  • Read your Moon sign, for what will challenge you.

  • Read your Sun sign, for what will be created.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Tarot card insight: Page of Pentacles: Personal development. Delivery of personal news. Using caution with direction. Moving forward. Journey takes a new turn. Scholar. Learning something new. Propositioned. Gift. Message. Favorable interest. Adapting. Education.  Being useful. Ready to continue. Choosey. Extending knowledge and abilities. Understanding the need to grow. Rewards. Dedication. Striving to work hard. Increase. Progress. Mature decisions. Practical. Preparing for the future. An unproductive period is left behind. Thrifty. Patience accepted. Time to make it happen. Persistence. Study. Practice makes perfect. We’re half way through the year, check out your Annual Tarot Card for 2024.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Tarot card insight: King of Wands: Displaying great strength. Energy circulates. Strong Passions burn. Devoted individual. Graduation. Ready for the real world. Life takes a courageous direction. A teacher arrives. Noble gestures. Sharing what we've learned. Standing out in a crowd. Daring acts. In control. Honest intentions. Helping another. Generosity. Expansion. Trusting what works. Conquering a project. Self-realization. The power of leadership. Travel. A trusted friend. Desire to go the distance. Controlled enthusiasm. Finding reason to believe. Management of self. Taking your own advice. A patient listener. Burning bright. Confident and capable. We’re half way through the year, check out your Annual Tarot Card for 2024.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Tarot card insight: Three of Wands: Enterprise. Acting on a plan. New direction. Fresh clues. Adventure. Inner calling. Negotiations. Expansion. Foresight. No turning back. Getting assistance. Possible partnership. Practical journey. Successful business adventure. Grasp the future. Spiritual direction. Travel. Going for it. Mapping new location. New hobby. Opportunities arrive. New direction. Foresee potential. Your ship finally comes in. Giving back to the world. We’re half way through the year, check out your Annual Tarot Card for 2024.

CANCER (June 20-July 23) Tarot card insight: Judgment: Life and actions are up for review. Assessment. Unfair criticism. Healthy critique. Enlightenment. Forgiveness. Rebirth. Dealing with the aftermath. Rising. Promotion. Righting a wrong. Following a calling. A break from the past. Consequences. Learning from mistakes. Get out of jail for free. Reaching your higher self. Clean slate. Reconciliation. Paying your dues. Following the beat of your own drum. Choosing the higher road. Prayers answered. Rising from the dead. Spiritual awakening. Being amongst the living. Someone’s prayers save you. Purification. We’re half way through the year, check out your Annual Tarot Card for 2024.

LEO (July 23-August 22) Tarot card insight: Ten of Pentacles: Everything falls right into place. Money doesn't buy happiness. You are invited into the riches of the world. Understanding what really matters. Student turns into the teacher. Great success. Rewards of Hard work. Favorable investments. Empowered. Gain. Family heals. Goal achieved. Roots. Harmony. Growth. In-sync with the universe. Spiritual enrichment. Successful arrival. Inheritance. Positive changes. Wealth. Tradition. Prosperity. Financial or Material gift. Wisdom. Walk the walk. Blessings. We’re half way through the year, check out your Annual Tarot Card for 2024.

VIRGO (August 22-September 23) Tarot card insight: Queen of Swords: Sharp perception. Quick-wit is useful. Attentive to surroundings. Commands delivered. Careful listening. Reading between the lines. Wearing a 'thinking cap'. Vision is crystal clear. Approached with unprocessed information. Receiving interesting news. Winds of change. Change in direction. Supportive communications. Mentally active and quick. Cleverness. Confidence. Bravery in presentation. Charm. Seeing is believing. Separate the nonsense from facts. Ask the right questions to get the right answers. A shrewd business woman. Concentration. Seeing. The truth shall set you free. Bullshite detector. Honesty is the best policy. We’re half way through the year, check out your Annual Tarot Card for 2024.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22)  Tarot card insight: Four of Cups: Search for understanding. Turning away from others. Solitude. Overwhelming boredom. Self-searching. Self-study. Unconsciously asking for guidance from a higher source. Nowhere else to go. Therapeutic counsel. Opportunities in the horizon. Center. Nurturing the soul. Dissatisfied with lack of happiness. Questioning our motives. Requiring privacy. Taking it personally. Mending feelings. Given too much away. Feeling it slip from your fingers. Replenishing our own resources. Self-healing. Absorption of self. Introverted. Unavailable. A talk with God. Lost. The lights are on, but no one's home. We’re half way through the year, check out your Annual Tarot Card for 2024.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Tarot card insight: Justice: Balance. Reason. All equals out. Trust logic. Our thoughts, words, and deeds bring results. Fair decision. Being judged on our actions. A purity of spirit arrives. Judging others. It’s nothing personal, as its just business. The consequence of our action manifests. Own integrity. Running a fair race. Honesty is the best policy. Universal justice. On the same level. The law is on your side. Commitment. Just like nature balances, we get whats coming to us. Negotiate and meet half way. Weigh the  strength between the pros and cons. A promise or word is honored. Cheaters not allowed. What has been sown, we shall reap. Legal matters. A time for righteousness. It's a time to be impartial. A serious meeting. It is best to agree to disagree. The truth shall make you free. Making a right from a wrong. Karma is delivered. We’re half way through the year, check out your Annual Tarot Card for 2024.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Tarot card insight: Page of Cups: Flexible emotions. Flip-flopping. Gentleness of the heart returns. Serenity received. Calm is offered. Attempting to find a way in. Helping hand. Smiling. Carefully relaxing. Forgiveness. Unstable emotions. Moving past blocks. A friend arrives. What happened doesn't matter. Flowing forward. What you see, isn't what you get. Only the moment matters, not yesterday of the future. Foggy. If it' sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Positive blend. Fantasy. Sweetens with sugar. Display of kindness. Reflection. Charmed. Unreal. The heart speaks. Generosity. Giving of ourselves. Reaching out. Someone from the past returns. Listen well. Optical illusion. We’re half way through the year, check out your Annual Tarot Card for 2024.

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)  Tarot card insight: Seven of Wands: Staying friendly with the opposition. Keeping a safe distance. Creating necessary boundaries. Good negotiations. Successful outcome. Gaining the advantage. A win. Having the courage to confront what is necessary to keep peace. Responsible actions. Getting what is needed, the right way. Relying on bartering. Pleasing outcome. Realization of strength. Graduating. Mingling with the big boys. Creating respect.that have been sown. Waiting to reap. Ingenuity. Successfully dealings. Adding on to what you have already own. We’re half way through the year, check out your Annual Tarot Card for 2024.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Tarot card insight: Seven of Swords: Karma. Choosing your direction. Wrestling with a balancing act. Romancing cruel intentions. Actions that contain doubt. An alternative plan is in the works. Change is unavoidable. Being a bit sneaky about your approach. Analyzation. Who's cheating who? A desperate option. Getting ahead the best way we know how. Hurtful results because of lack of planning. Assuming strength and power at any cost. Stress. Success may cost more than you bargained for. Plans sway. Morals are weighed. Confusion. Should I, or shouldn't I? Your actions will determine who you are. But is it kind?g go of the illusions. Self-love. Putting memories in a safe place. Movement. Separating. Not holding on anymore. We’re half way through the year, check out your Annual Tarot Card for 2024.

PISCES (February 19-March 20) Tarot card insight: Four of Wands: Arriving at the right place. Celebration. Good structure. Fruits of labor. The good life. Romance. Rest. Rewards. Loyalty. Home is where the heart is. Success. Defending and protecting. Happy workplace. Good intentions. Harmony. Promotion. A fire still burns. Powerful love. Happy home. Liking who you are becoming. Contained within your own positive world. Passion is contained. Settling an old score. Pride and honor. A wedding. Secluded yet happy. Strong barriers. Display of commitment. New home. Invitation. Walls of love. New resting stop. Good neighbor. Blessings. Great heart. Self-reliance. Trying was worth the extra step. failure. Weird experience. In a rut. Punishment. Fear of change. What goes up, must come down. Stuck. Lesson. We’re half way through the year, check out your Annual Tarot Card for 2024.

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Intuitive readings, earthy advice and soulful guidance with tarot, astrology and spiritual insights; available by phone and email with Suzi Dronzek: 724-832-9283 www.starcana.com | Stay connected: Subscribe | ©2024 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+


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June Tarotscope, Tarot Horoscope 2024