Starcana Intuitive Life Guidance

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March Tarotscope, Tarot Horoscope 2025

Starcana Tarotscope is a monthly ‘one tarot card’ horoscope, with an insightful tarot message and guidance - per each individual zodiac/sun sign. For more deptht, try my ‘three card’ tarot spread (below)…. but if you prefer a personalized message for your life situation or relationship, I’m available for intuitive guidance and readings.

  • Read your Ascendant/Rising sign, for what you currently know.

  • Read your Moon sign, for what will challenge you.

  • Read your Sun sign, for what will be created.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Tarot card insight: Nine of Swords: Too many thoughts. Choosing solitude. A cycle about to close. Making your own misery. Afraid of the night. Worry about tomorrow and what others think. Living by the nightmare held in your mind. Feeling threatened. Fears present themselves. Afraid of being revealed. Disturbed sleep. Agitation. Being your own worst critic. Secrets do not become you. Hiding in the dark. You become your thoughts. Memories and mistakes haunt us. Seclusion. Expecting the worst. Self-entrapment. Find a way to separate nightmare from reality. Afraid of being judged. Find a way to free yourself. Pay attention to the messages in your dreams.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Tarot card insight: The Tower: Purification. Cosmic direction. Growing from deteriorated pattern. Rapid change. The rug is pulled out from beneath the feet. Values shift tremendously. Truth. New foundation required. Failed design of blueprints. Catastrophic transformation. Walls come tumbling down. Alarm. Wake up. Falling, Breaking. Rapid change. Doing without, to advance. Disgrace. Shatter. Unstable security. Weakness found. A major shift. Awareness. Arranging priorities. Prepare for tomorrow. Chaos. Spiritual growth. Awakened. Surprising event. Karma.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Tarot card insight: Seven of Wands: Staying friendly with the opposition. Keeping a safe distance. Creating necessary boundaries. Good negotiations. Successful outcome. Gaining the advantage. A win. Having the courage to confront what is necessary to keep peace. Responsible actions. Getting what is needed, the right way. Relying on bartering. Pleasing outcome. Realization of strength. Graduating. Mingling with the big boys. Creating respect.

CANCER (June 20-July 23) Tarot card insight: Ten of Swords: A cycle ends. Overwhelming thoughts. Aware of disappointment. Troubles weigh heavy. Sorrow. Grief. Embracing darkness. Light is just up ahead. Closure. Realization. Freedom in truth. Ruin. Passing success. Exhaustion. Minimal improvement. Harsh words. Pain. Almost. One perspective. Ending. Finished with that. Answer is not what was expected. The end. The worst is over. The last piece of the puzzle. Lack of research. Too much imagination. Facts of life. Grand finale. Breaking free.

LEO (July 23-August 22) Tarot card insight: Knight of Swords: Cleverness. Negotiations. A calm approach. Heroic action. Creative problem-solving. Sharp. Crystal clear. New insight. Fearless approach. Solutions. Hypothetical concepts. Analyzation. Strategic proposal. A new game plan. Shrewdness. Charmed grace. The power of words. Quick mind. Less is more. Friendliness. New information. Assumptions. Seeking advice. Say what you mean. Righteous anger. Honoring your belief. Gallantry. Seeking triumph over opposition. Wit.

VIRGO (August 22-September 23) Tarot card insight: Sun: Renewal of spirit. Joy returns. The answer is yes. Our inner light shines. We have control over our lives. Golden opportunities. Willpower to walk through life. Accomplishment. You find the pot of gold. Improvement in health. Successful rewards. Material happiness. What we have wanted, comes true. A happy marriage. A good partnership. Clear vision of where we are going. Attainment of your dreams. Playfulness is delivered. Pleasure of life returns. Seeing the good in things. Everything you touch turns to gold. Optimism. Believing in ourself, others, and in miracles. Bright ideas. Naive happiness. We accept the truth. Wisdom. Completely content and satisfied. No clouds are going to get in the way. A start of a clean slate. You reach your goal. You win the finish line. Blessings of wealth. You are free.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22)  Tarot card insight: Seven of Pentacles: Interesting news arrives. Settling. Results of efforts due. Manifestation begins. Success or failure based on what has been invested. Something comes along to help thyself. Reorganization. Financial lessons. Material progress. Personal development. Growth. Money. Rewards near. Hidden treasure. Profit through adjusting. Holding the tools for success. Wealth. Responsibility required. Stamina. Wisdom received. Harvesting the seeds that have been sown. Waiting to reap. Ingenuity. Successfully dealings. Adding on to what you have already own.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Tarot card insight: Three of Swords: Worry. Too many thoughts. Finding disappointment. Sadness. Painful realizations. Reality hurts. Hard to connect the dots. Issues can not be agreed upon. The truth stings. Experiencing a broken heart. Affection is not reciprocated. Stormy weather ahead. Words get in the way. Honest communications is painful. Separation. Torn. Incapable of letting go. Cross words. Disagreements. Self-inflicted misery. Sorrow. Crushed. Forgetting what the heart desires. Three times is a charm. Agree to disagree.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Tarot card insight: Queen of Swords: Sharp perception. Quick-wit is useful. Attentive to surroundings. Commands delivered. Careful listening. Reading between the lines. Wearing a 'thinking cap'. Vision is crystal clear. Approached with unprocessed information. Receiving interesting news. Winds of change. Change in direction. Supportive communications. Mentally active and quick. Cleverness. Confidence. Bravery in presentation. Charm. Seeing is believing. Separate the nonsense from facts. Ask the right questions to get the right answers. A shrewd business woman. Concentration. Seeing. The truth shall set you free. Bullshite detector. Honesty is the best policy.

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)  Tarot card insight: Two of Cups: Establishing a bond. Someone comes along and mirrors us. Agreements. Healing. On earth as it is in heaven. Matters of the Heart. Love. Partners in crime. Mi casa, es su casa. Celebration toast. Marriage between two strong forces. Romance. A new relationship. Marriage of the mind. Friendship. desire to have companionship. Two peas in a pod. Platonic friendships. Twosome. All's fair. A new individual strikes your fancy. Partnership. Equality reigns. Harmony. Love connection. Blending opposites. Reunion. moving toward each other. Cooperation. Mutual understanding. Heart and soul. Nurturing. Differences are resolved. Teamwork. Someone is by my side. The missing ingredient. Reconciliation. Sexual attraction. Creating magic either personally, or professionally. Balance. Working together. Forgiveness. Having something to fight for. Emotional balance. Peaceful union. Connecting the dots. Sharing the gold. Happily ever after.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Tarot card insight: Ten of Pentacles: Everything falls right into place. Money doesn't buy happiness. You are invited into the riches of the world. Understanding what really matters. Student turns into the teacher. Great success. Rewards of Hard work. Favorable investments. Empowered. Gain. Family heals. Goal achieved. Roots. Harmony. Growth. In-sync with the universe. Spiritual enrichment. Successful arrival. Inheritance. Positive changes. Wealth. Tradition. Prosperity. Financial or Material gift. Wisdom. Walk the walk. Blessings.

PISCES (February 19-March 20) Tarot card insight: Ten of Cups: Joy. Looking for a reason to celebrate. Faith is restored. Triumph. Love. Tears of triumph. True friendship. Contentment. Loved ones rock. Tender moments enjoyed. Money can't buy love. Home is where the heart is. Spirituality. True wisdom. Balanced energy. Reflections of kindness. Dancing beneath the waterfall. Dreams are fulfilled. Positive feelings. Adding color to life. Peace and comfort. Love thy neighbor. Good surroundings. Family circle sealed. End to a long cycle. Showered in affection. Emotional bliss. A wish is granted. Happiness. A rainbow after the storm. Togetherness. Enjoying the simple things. Sweet endearments. Radiant light flows.

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If you’d like a personalized, intuitive reading with down to earth advice and soulful guidance with tarot, astrology and spiritual insights - available by phone and email - contact Suzi Dronzek at: 724-832-9283 | Stay connected: Subscribe | ©2025 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+

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