Pause to Breathe | Saturn Retrograde, Gemini New Moon, Astrology for June 12-18

Saturn entered the watery sign of mystical Pisces back in March 2023…. and it will soon station retrograde on Saturday June 17 for the next five months, which is into November. What we’ve been seriously committed to building, will start to slow down or possibly come to a halt, from this heavy energy. This pause gives us some much needed time to reassess, reevaluate and restructure - in areas of self-sacrifice, humility, acceptance, composure and cleaning the slate - so that we may experience karma and the consequences of our actions, for learning, lessons and accountability. Otherwise, how would we be able to rebuild our fortitude, stamina and strength…

Being responsible is an enormous privilege… It’s what marks anyone a fully grown human. Barack Obama

As time slows down and leaves us feeling directionless, the Gemini New Moon on Sunday June 18 can encourage us to embark on a new beginning, a fresh start-up project or possibly a healthier approach to an unresolved situation. The Gemini New Moon helps us to find what we’re looking for, through communications, social networking, charm, ideas, while being friendly, versatile, moving and broad-minded. The shadow side of this energy can intensify restlessness, anxiety, insincerity, gossip and dissatisfaction. Embrace curiosity with playfulness. Learn a new language. Explore something interesting and refreshing. And just breathe.

Weekly tarot message: Potential loss nears, due to fear. [NineSwordsRx/NinePentaclesRx]. For more insight, check out your monthly tarot card in the June 2023 Tarotscope, then subscribe to my weekly cosmic writings. Much love. ~Suzi

Suzi Dronzek is available for personalized consultations, intuitive readings, down to earth advice and spiritual guidance by phone & email. Hours: 10a-6p EST, Mon-Fri. Call: 724-832-9283 | ©2023 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+


Heartfelt Devotion. Sun enters Cancer | Astrology for June 19-25


Talking the Talk. Pluto Retrograde, Venus enters Leo, Mercury enters Gemini | Astrology for June 5-11